Welcome to my Blog.  Finding your way around the first stage. When you open it up you will see an image of the painting of Pilot Bay in Tauranga NZ.

Roll down to a brief introduction beside a painting of Bowentown, a little spot nearby in the Bay of Plenty.

Skip past ‘Some of my paintings, process & comments’. We  will come back to them. There is a short video on Painting Fine lines and Detailing to check out.

To the right is an index. Click on ‘Introduction’ you will find  a few notes about Choosing a Subject – Painting for yourself.- Painting to sell.

Click on session 1 for notes on: Preparing and painting the substrate – Maintaining your brushes – Composition and Layout – Blending – Blending the sky – Individual Elements – Clouds -Wavelets – Headland – Sunlight on the water – Wind shadows on the water –  Sand & Texture.

Session 2 contains: Drawing a grid onto your canvas – The Process / Techniques / Tricks I used to create this painting – A little more info about scaling.

Session 3 – Layering – Tonal management – working wet on wet ( Alla prima ) –  Process

Session 4 – Sale drawing up the layout – Process –  Going over the layout with fine black lines ( Detailing ) – Applying soft tonal washes 

Now we can go to a few of ‘My  Paintings’.

Endeavour : Just a few notes on the process of painting a sailing ship.- Bowentown – Coromandel Boat shed – Matty.

Dalmatian Dog –  Pilot Bay – Summer Storm _ Swallow – Apple blossom – Surf club at the mount – Walking  the Milford Track – Walking track to Mt Cook NZ

Techniques A few short videos – Painting a large panel – Blending – Painting fine lines & Detailing.


Painting is fun but if we want to be good at it we need to know how it works. If we want to develop our art to a reasonable level, so we can do our own thing, then we need a basic understanding of aesthetics, rules and techniques…

My Paintings

Some of my paintings, process and comments…

Welcome to my website – my notes, paintings, artwork and whatever is going on in my studio.  An opportunity to see how I approach my work and some of my art observations.

This is not a class, you will be peeping over my shoulder as I go from one random idea to another. Not all my great ideas work so often I find myself spending hours getting a painting or carving back on track. If we learn best from our mistakes, you will get great value from mine,  god knows I have made plenty.

I am using my website because it best suits me to receive an email and reply either to all or an individual. My email address is grahambaker.nz@gmail.com

Initially I will show a series of photos as I progress through a painting with a paragraph or two explaining the steps and back them up with more comprehensive notes for easy reference. I hope, as I expand on these notes, you will stumble upon something of value that helps with your own art development.

I prefer to try new ideas and ways to improve every time I start something new, both in subject and medium.  Sometimes some neat things pop up – these then are my personal experiences and notes I am sharing in the hope of encouraging other artists to have a go.

Graham Baker.