These artist’s notes are copyright to Graham Baker and may not be shared or copied without permission. Any enquiries, please email to

Acrylic on heavyweight acrylic paper & framed. 24x18 inches. 60cm x 45cm.

Special thanks to Gareth Morgan. Nature photographer Wales and Sweden, for sending me the image of the Swallow.

Sometimes we take on a subject because it appeals or offers a challenge. In my case I just wanted a change from oils, and layering. For this painting I used the technique most acrylic artists use, tiling.


The method of placing individual colours of similar values alongside each other, to transition from lights and darks, one by one, is called Tiling.

The method relies on the paint to hold a clean edge for contrast that would otherwise be lost if the paint was blended. On top of the initial colours we place more colours, bridging gaps but never completely obscuring the first colours.

Paintings of this sort became popular within the impressionist movement as artists tried to find the best and  boldest way for their art to be seen.

These artist’s notes are copyright to Graham Baker and may not be shared or copied without permission. Any enquiries, please email to