The Mahl stick is a valuable tool. Also known as a Rest Stick. You will find it has many more uses than just an aide for making straight lines.

It serves as an anchor to brace yourself, a bridge to keep your hands clear of wet paint on your working surface and a lever to get  purchase when painting detail other than straight lines.

Your Mahl stick supports your hand to avoid shaking when your fingers are locked in place, or your wrist is resting on it leaving it free to move the brush around in any direction.

Correct brush choice is essential. The liner has long straight hair for retaining paint and releasing it evenly as the brush is pulled along. The size of the brush and the amount of pressure determines the thickness of the line. The wetness of the paint determines the flow.

We paint in our backgrounds with confidence and ease, but that is only half of what is required to make a top painting. When we use the Mahl Stick correctly we will have equal confidence with detailing, highlighting small features ( the focal point ) with colour, light or fine line work which gives our paintings depth of field and contrast.

The most important elements for bringing your painting to life.